As I sit here on my flight to São Paulo, Brazil, and think about the last three months I spent in México, I think of how lucky and grateful I am. It has been a fantastic journey and chapter exploring and experiencing México. It feels like I have been in México for more than I have and I am so lucky that I got to see so much of the country and culture. Although there are many places I still want to see and things to do, they will have to wait until next time. But, overall, my time in México was totally crazy and full of magic. Some of my favorite and best things about México were the incredible people, the diversity of cultures and traditions, the endless ancient history, the wonderful music, the delicious FOOD, and the stunning nature! Even though I could have spent more time in México, I felt that my time there had come to an end and that it was time for me to move on, especially after my exciting experience in Oaxaca. I am super thankful for my time, experiences, and memories in México.

Therefore, I decided to head straight to Brazil sooner than later, so here I am flying to Brazil. I am not going to lie; I am slightly nervous and anxious but super excited and ready to start this new chapter. I do not know what to expect from Brazil or what the Universe will bring, but I am prepared to take on whatever is presented. I look forward to learning some Portuguese and having many new adventures exploring Brazil. At this stage, the plan is to enter under the standard 3-month free visa and then apply for a student visa or a digital nomad visa, which will grant me one year in Brazil. Therefore, we will see how things go and how long I am there. All I have to say at this time is that I have been waiting and wanting to go to Brazil for more than a decade, and I cannot believe it is finally happening!!!